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E-PROPS propellers for Aircraft / Ultralights: Data Sheet

✗  Hi-Tech ground adjustable pitch carbon propellers with Titanium leading edge protection
✗  The world's lightest propellers
✗  For gear-drive engines and electric motors, from 50 to 115 kW (68 to 156 hp) (perfect for Rotax engines)
✗  Available in 18 different diameters: from 120 to 205 cm
✗  Each model available in 2, 3, 4, and 5 blades
✗  Exist in both senses of rotation: CW (DURANDAL) and CCW (EXCALIBUR)
✗  Tractor and pusher configurations; different chord widths and blade profiles

✗  Very strong : 100% carbon, very high fibers ratio, RTM Manufacturing
✗  Carbon propellers with Titanium leading edge protection
✗  Certification ASTM F2506-13 & EASA (for some models), TBO 4000 hours

✗  Made in Provence, France, since 2008
✗  E-PROPS production : 75000 blades / year
✗  Propellers sold in more than 84 countries

E-Props: high performance due to profiles optimization using Artificial Intelligence & use of top-of-the-range materials

E-PROPS propeller for aviation


01 - Design
02 - E-PROPS range for Aircraft (LSA) / Ultralights
03 - The world's lightest propellers
04 - Blades
05 - Blade's foot
06 - Carbon Spacers
07 - Spinners
08 - Finish
09 - Nanostrength or Titanium Shielding
10 - Moment of Inertia
11 - Balancing
12 - Quality / Certification / TBO
13 - Repairs / Spare Blades
14 - Mechanical Strength / Load Tests
15 - Tightening torque
16 - Max Power & RPM
17 - Maintenance
18 - Satisfied or Your Money Back during 6 Months
19 - Pilots Feedback
20 - Manuals


01- Design

Propellers "of 3rd generation" : efficient, ultra-light, quiet and very strong.
Made in France since 2008 : see page E-PROPS company.
The secret of their exceptional performances ?
- Extensive research of the E-PROPS design department, with many tests campaigns on wind tunnel, the development of an exceptional software called (LUKY) and many tests mechanical campaigns (example => VIDEO : E-PROPS test campaign V20 range (April 2020)
- A manufacturing process which allows a very lightweight
- Specific E-PROPS designs with high CL profiles. E-PROPS propellers design, see page DESIGN
- Propellers with high ESR effect : ground adjustable pitch propellers which behaviour is very near from the behaviour of a variable pitch propeller.

02- E-PROPS range for Aircraft (LSA) / Ultralights

At E-PROPS, our team does not propose a "universal blade" that does everything, that can be cut at will, and that is therefore not always well adapted to the mission of the aircraft ...
Each E-PROPS is designed and developed for :
- the characteristics of the motor in question and its gearbox (if applicable)
- the study of engine cooling and air flow in the engine
- a defined aircraft speed range
- the aircraft configuration: tractor, pusher, high wings, low wings, and wings/fuselage interactions
- the use of the aircraft: speed, cruise, towing, STOL... and the desired performances

E-PROPS has developed numerous blade models, with several rope widths and several profiles, in both tractive and propulsive configurations.
Each model is available in 2, 3, 4 or 5 blades, in 18 different diameters (from 120 to 205 cm).
Thousands of E-PROPS propellers equip more than 260 different models of aircraft (LSA) and ultralights, all over the world.

DURANDAL range: CW rotation sense
EXCALIBUR range: CCW rotation sense

03- The world's lightest propellers

E-PROPS are by far the lightest propellers in the world.
A few weighs, including screws and bolts :
- 3-blade tractor DURANDAL-3 dia 170 cm Titanium leading edge protection for Rotax 912S (100 hp) : 2 kg
- 2-blade tractor DURANDAL-2 dia 175 cm Titanium leading edge protectionfor Rotax 912 (80 hp) : 1.6 kg
- 5-blade pusher EXCALIBUR-5 dia 172 cm Titanium leading edge protection for Rotax 914 (115 hp) : 3.2 kg

To understand the advantages of a lightweight propeller, click here : ULTRA-LIGHT PROPELLERS

04- Blades

The E-PROPS are fully made in carbon.
Optimum use of carbon fibers braid and epoxy resin to obtain ultra-light and very strong blades.
HCF system (Helical Continuous Fibers : Fibres Continues Hélicoïdales), specifically designed by E-PROPS.
Very high fibers ratio : 63%

05- Blade's feet

Carbon fiber rolled up on a titanium ring, for an exceptional strength.
No risk of galvanic corrosion because no metal part.

06- Carbon Spacers

E-PROPS has developed an exclusive system to replace the usual aluminium spacers : THE CARBON SPACERS.
Advantages :
✗  The E-PROPS spacers are ultra-light (13 times lighter than an aluminum spacer).
✗  The "E-PROPS spacer" option is free of charge, regardless of the chosen length.
✗  E-PROPS spacers are extremely easy to install (no unnecessary screws and bolts, thus avoiding vibrations).
✗  Orders are facilitated by the interactive drawings published by E-PROPS.
More information here : CARBON SPACERS

07- Spinners

The E-PROPS spinners are in carbon, very strong and ultra-light.
The spinners of the V20 propellers range are proposed in 15 different diameters, from 210 to 380 mm.

08- Finish

Finish with shiny polish.
The carbon braid remains visible; each blade is unique.
No paint, varnish or gel-coat, because those products are very polluting.
The E-PROPS company is committed in an eco-management approach and proscribes this type of products.
In addition, paints, varnish and gel-coat do not allow to easily repair the blades in case of impact.
Only the spinners can be painted.

09- Nanostrength or Titanium Shielding

The E-PROPS V20 range are all equipped with 5/10th thick Titanium leading edge protection.
TITANE is the ideal material for blade leading edge protection thanks to its mechanical characteristics :
- the specific resistance of Titanium, which outperforms Aluminium and Steel.
- Coefficients of expansion and elasticity of Titanium close to the carbon-epoxy composite (material of the E-PROPS blades)
- Titanium's exceptional resistance to corrosion (especially in marine atmospheres)
- Titanium is twice as light as Steel or Inconel.

All other E-PROPS propellers have an internal shielding in the blades : injection at the leading edge of a special resin with Nanostrength® additive shock.
In special cases (as seaplanes), it is strongly recommended to put an extra protection on the blades leading edge, in order to reinforce it, with a polyurethane protection tape used on certified helicopter rotor blades.


10- Moment of Inertia

The E-PROPS, ultra-light, strictly respect the MOI limitations given the engines manufacturers.
Moment of inertia of each model calculated then verified on the tests bench.
See details here : MOMENT OF INERTIA
Moment of inertia is indicated on the Identification Sheet of each propeller (delivered with the prop).

11- Balancing

The E-PROPS propellers are precisely balanced at workshop.
The team is using an electronic bench to balance the propellers, with oscilloscopes.
More information here : BALANCING

12- Quality / Certification / TBO

E-PROPS propellers are designed, manufactured and tested to meet strict aeronautical standards.
They are certified following ASTM F2506-13 (LSA) standard.
Some of them are EASA certified.

The material of our propellers, carbon braid according to HCF process (Helical Continuous Fibers) + epoxy resin, without parts in other materials, is anisotropic.
A major inspection (TBO) is recommended, but not required. This inspection and overhaul can be performed by an E-PROPS approved workshop, following an E-PROPS procedure.
See all TBO here : TBO

Quality and safety are ongoing concerns for the E-PROPS company, throughout the design, procurement, manufacturing, testing and marketing of all its products.
More information on CERTIFICATION pages.

13- Repairs / Spare Blade

Small impacts can be easily repaired (epoxy resin without paint, varnish or gel-coat).
A repair kit is available in this e-shop.
See details here REPAIRS
On the V20 range, the Titanium leading edge protection can be changed if it is damaged: it is not necessary to change the whole blade.

By E-PROPS, it is also possible to change only one blade.
See explanations on the page : SPARE BLADES

14- Mechanical Strength / Tests

E-PROPS is doing many tests on all the propellers models.

Example => VIDEO : E-PROPS test campaign V20 range (April 2020)
Test campaign : E-PROPS propellers for Aircraft (LSA) & Ultralights, 2020 range. Tensile, bending and torsion tests.
Carbon parts as strong as the Rotax gearbox shaft !

15- Tightening torque

The screws tightening must be done with a torque wrench
Torque value is indicated in the Manual given with each propeller.
It is very important to follow the value of each model exactly.

16- Max Power & RPM

Max power on each model (DURANDAL & EXCALIBUR), on gear-drive engines :
- 2-blade : 105 hp
- 3-blade : 157 hp
- 4-blade : 210 hp
- 5-blade : 225 hp
On electric engines, please ask our team.

Max RPM :
The E-PROPS propellers are designed for the limitations of each engine.
Example: maximum speed of E-PROPS models for ROTAX 9 series engines = 2,600 rpm (speed measured at the propeller = max engine speed / gearbox ratio).
The max RPM of each propeller is indicated on its Identification Sheet delivered with the prop.
In case of doubt, please consult our team.

17- Maintenance

Maintenance is simple :
- Before each flight: visual inspection of the propeller (particularly check the leading edge) and check the screws tightening.
- V20 range : every 100 hours of flight and/or every 6 months , check of the screws tightening.
- V20 range with Titanium screws : every 200 hours of flight and/or every 12 months , check of the screws tightening.
- EXCALIBUR-6 V12 model => every 25 hours of flight and/or every 3 months : check of the screws tightening.
Cleaning of a carbon propeller is made with a sponge, with some water with soap, or with a product for windows cleaning.

18- Satisfied ou Your Money Back during 6 Months

E-PROPS is the only propellers manufacturer in the world to propose a guarantee SATISFIED or YOUR MONEY BACK DURING 6 MONTHS to the customers.

19- Pilots Feedback

Our customers are our best ambassadors!

20- Manuals


E-PROPS propeller for aviation


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ZI Aérodrome de Sisteron
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